Skincare for Men

Easy Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Easy Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Men can suck in their bulging belly all they want while wearing a shirt, giving an illusion of a nice looking body, but the true test comes when the shirt is removed at a beach or by the pool. Belly fat is probably every man’s worst enemy, despite going to the gym and having muscle growth in...

Why Men Should Try IPL Hair Removal

Why Men Should Try IPL Hair Removal

It was not too long ago when men would unbutton the top of their shirt, revealing a little bit of that chest hair (man-bush) to up their level of manliness. Hairy men was also quite accepted during that same period, as they gave off a masculine vibe. However, this is not the case anymore as...

Muscle Growth Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult

Muscle Growth Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult

Most people think that muscle growth is a difficult thing to achieve. In order to induce muscle growth, they think that they should spend hours on end in the gym. What if I told you that there are other less demanding ways for body toning? Here are 8 tips to increase muscles: 1. MANIPULATE...